To configure the DHCP setting for the LAN ports of a pronto router, begin by navigating to Configuration>Network, here make sure you select the Network you are configuring from the dropdown.
Create a new SSID by selecting the +Add SSID button.
Begin by configuring the EDIT SSID section
Select the APs or ROuters the SSID applies to.
Name the SSID
Select SSID policies - I.e Status, hidden, isolate
Select Radio Band - 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Both
SSID Max Associations
Encryption and Authentication Key
Router vs Bridge Mode
Selecting Router vs Bridge Mode provides different options for the user in this section.
Bridge Mode - This mode enables a VLAN Settings subsection, where a user can select a VLAN created in the network section
Router Mode - This mode enables a number of Features including
IP Configuration
Configure a gateway IP address under IP Address.
Configure the DHCP pool netmask under Netmask.
Configure DNS Mode
DHCP Settings
Under DHCP Server, switch to Enable.
Set the DHCP Lease Time (in seconds).
Set the DHCP range first and last Host addresses.
If needed, you can map IP address to specific WIFI devices here
Captive Portal Settings
If you need to setup Captive portal on the WIFI, select enable in the Captive Portal section and fill out the necessary details
Once the WIFI profiles is configured, Click Create SSID